Export list of files with URL path length issue to Excel

When the user uploads a folder structure from the File System to SharePoint, DMS-Shuttle automatically proves if all files can be uploaded to the target SharePoint URL. Therefore, the tool checks if the length of the intended URL path does not exceed the SharePoint Online / Office 365 limit for URL path.

When the tool detects any findings the following message will be presented to the user:

Report files with URL path lengths that are too big for SharePoint Online

Once the dialog appears, the user can save all findings to an Excel spreadsheet and continue or cancel the uploading process. With the help of the exported Excel report the user can rework all findings.

The report for URL path length issue contains the following info:

  • Source file path
  • Intended target URL
  • Length of the target URL
How to fix the issue “The specified file or folder name is too long”:
  • Copy to a lower level in the SharePoint folder structure
  • Rename the source folder and files with shorter names


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