The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 182) is now available for download.
- Extended the filtering functionality when migrating data between file share and SharePoint Online
- Upgraded SharePoint Client Side Object Model API to the version CSOM.16.1.25110.12000.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 176) is now available for download.
- New Report: Export Storage Usage Report per Site.
- Made Connection Profiles sortable in the Connection Manager.
- Upgraded SharePoint Client Side Object Model API to the version CSOM.16.1.24614.12000.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 170) is now available for download.
- Added an “ItemsNumber” field to the Storage Usage Report. This number includes the number of files and folders in the Library.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 168) is now available for download.
- Updated the Storage Usage Report so that the list of libraries is automatically sorted by storage usage.
- Slight performance improvements for bulk operations.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 164) is now available for download.
- Now it is possible to connect to the Tenant Admin Site and load all SharePoint Sites in one view. A Global Admin account is required. See this documentation page for details.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 156) is now available for download.
- Introduced support for long file paths (longer than 260 characters)
- Improved performance when loading document lists
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 152) is now available for download.
- Upgraded SharePoint Client Object Model API to the version 16.1.23814.12000.
- Improved data formatting in Storage Usage Report.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 150) is now available for download.
- Upgraded SharePoint Client Object Model API to the version 16.1.23508.12000.
- Implemented a new Built-in Report: “Storage Usage Report“. This feature allows you to generate an Excel Report for Storage Usage per Library.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 144) is now available for download.
- Upgraded SharePoint Client Object Model API to the version 16.1.23019.12000.
- Extended the Feature “Bulk delete Version History” with “Advanced Mode”. “Advanced Mode” allows you to delete old versions only for a defined list of file types.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 142) is now available for download.
- Upgraded SharePoint Client Object Model API to the version 16.1.22315.12000.
- To avoid the Out of Memory issue, the built-in reports have been extended so that large reports (with more than 100k rows) are split into several Excel files. For example: a report of 250,000 rows will be split into 3 separate reports which can then be easily merged.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 138) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Improved handling of SharePoint Online throttling (error code 429) when downlaod multiple SharePoint files to file system.
- Fixed the issue which occured when deleting all versions for a large file (file size > 1 GB)
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 136) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Minor changes: updated the default settings for Logging.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 135) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Implemented new bulk operation “Update Versioning Limits in SharePoint Online / OneDrive“.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 134) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Improved handling of error code 429 (too many requests; SharePoint Online throttling).
- Fixed issue in filtering by Created Date
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 132) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Integrated SharePoint Client Object Model API (Version 16.1.21909.12000).
- Fixed some minor issues.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 131) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Integrated SharePoint Client Object Model API (Version 16.1.21411.12000).
- Performance improvements for upload / download as well as for bulk operations (~15%).
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 130) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Integrated new SharePoint Client Object Model API (Version 16.1.21116.12000).
- Bugfix: The original last modified time was not always correctly converted to the local time of the target SharePoint site.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 128) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Support multiple values when updating a field of type taxonomy field “TaxonomyFieldTypeMulti”. See the feature “Bulk update Metadata“
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 127) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Fixed an issue related to the corporate license model
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 124) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Built-in report “Export Document Library with Metadata to Excel” now supports lookup fields
- Bulk operation “Update metadata” now supports lookup fileds
- The tool now supports enterprise license model
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 121) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Improved handling of “SharePoint Throttling” (error 429 Too many requests) when running bulk operations
- Download progress dialog for large files can now be switched to the background
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 117) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- For “Modern Authentication”, not all the possible configuration options are managed by DMS-Shuttle. It is now possible to use “Browser Authentication” to overcome this problem.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 116) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Enhanced the feature “Bulk delete Version History“. Now it is possible to define the number of the latest versions to be kept.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 115) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Fixed the sorting in the Structure Trees (for File Share and SharePoint)
- Supporting for the characters # and % in SharePoint Online
- Integrated new SharePoint Client Object Model API (Version 16.1.19724.12000)
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 111) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New feature: Display of the filter status (filtering enabled / disabled) in the status bar of the main window. Now it is no longer necessary to switch to the Filter Manager to see whether filtering is activated.
- New command “Open Folder in Explorer” in the File System view. Sometimes it is necessary to navigate to the Source Folder in Windows Explorer. Now the user can do this with one click from the tool.
- Changed the format of fields (Created and Modified Dates) in the Built-in Reports, so that generated reports can now be sorted according to these fields.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 109) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Significant improvement in download performance, when migrating files from SharePoint to the File System
- Enhanced the “Content Report” with two additional columns: “Site” and “Document Library”. When you generate a Content Report for the entire Site Collection, you can now filter files by the parent Site and / or the parent Document Library
- Reorganized the Settings Wizard
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 106) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Now the tool provides the ability to bulk assign metadata to files during the upload. Before the upload starts the tool displays a dialog for setting metadata. This feature is disabled per default and can be enabled in the Settings Wizard (see option “Display Metadata dialog before file upload”)
Furthermore, it is still possible to run “Bulk Update Metadata” after uploading. - Support of nested metadata (managed metadata, TaxonomyFieldType) in “Bulk update Metadata” feature.
- Support of nested metadata (managed metadata, TaxonomyFieldType) in “Export Document Library with Metadata to Excel” feature.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 102) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Fixed an issue: enabled the “Move folders and files” feature for SharePoint Online / Office 365 only.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 100) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New Feature: Move folders and files between SharePoint sub-folders and Document Libraries. The version history of documents is moved with the files.
- Enhancement: The tool is now able to remember the last logging level setting. So, if the user changes the logging level (info, warning or error) in the UI, so the tool uses the same setting after a restart of DMS-Shuttle.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 99) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Enhancement: new bulk operation “Delete Version History” has been implemended. This feature allows you to delete old versions of documents inside a Document Library, a specific Folder or even for the whole Site or Site Collection and leaving only the most recent.
- Fixed an issue: in some cases the tool was asking for the write permissions for the source files, although it was not necessary.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 98) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Enhancement: a new Authentication Method “Browser Authentication” is now available for the access to Office 365. This authentication method is recommended, when your SharePoint Online is configured for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or ADFS.
- Improved download performance, when download a Document Library with all Document Versions.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 97) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Enhanced the feature “Validate URL path lengths against SharePoint restrictions” before uploading files to the target location. In the previous release this feature was implemented for SharePoint Online only. Now the tool considers also the restrictions for SharePoint 2010, 2013 and 2016.
- Integrated the latest SharePoint Client Object Model API (Version 16.1.8412.1200)
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 96) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Enhanced the feature “Export Metadata to Excel”. Now it is also possible to add the field “Version Label” to the report.
- Enhanced the filtering feature. Now it is also possible to filter files during the download from SharePoint to a File Share based on Custom Field values.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 94) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New feature “Export Metadata to Excel“. This functionality is available on the Document Library and Subfolder level.
- Fixed an issue: Loading of Document Libaries did not work, if the user tried to connect to the root Site of SharePoint on-Premise.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 91) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Enabled the feature “Export list of files to Excel” on the subfolder-level. Now you can run this feature on a Site (incl. sub-sites), Document Library and subfolder.
- Fixed an issue: the feature “Bulk check-in” did not work properly in Document Libraries with more than 5000 items, if the user performed the operation on a subfolder.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 89) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Overcoming the 5000-item list view threshold in SharePoint. This version is able to load large document library views with more than 5000 items. It is possible now to perform bulk operations like “bulk check-in” or “bulk update metadata” on large document library views.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 86) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector:
- Fixed an issue that appeared in the previous release, when the user performed the operation “Bulk update Content Types” in SharePoint 2013 on-premise and Versioning was disabled on the selected Document Library.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 85 LL) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- OpenText LiveLink Connector:
- New Feature: Download all document versions when migrating files from LiveLink to the File System. This feature is disabled per default and can be activated in the Settings Wizard.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 84) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector:
- New Feature: Download all document versions when migrating files from SharePoint to the File System. This feature is disabled per default, so that only the current document version is copied, when moving files from SharePoint to the File System. To enable this functionality, open the Settings Wizard and set the option “Download all document versions” to “true”.
- OpenText LiveLink Connector: no changes in this release
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 81) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector:
- New Feature: Validate URL path lengths against SharePoint Online restrictions before uploading files to the target location. If there are any findings the user can export them to an Excel Spreadsheet.
- Show total file size and processed file size in the Progress Bar, when migrating files to SharePoint.
- OpenText LiveLink Connector: no changes in this release
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 79) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector:
- Fixed an issue that appeared in the previous release, when opening the version history of a document in SharePoint 2010.
- Improved the performance, when downloading all versions of a SharePoint document to a file share
- OpenText LiveLink Connector: no changes in this release
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 78) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector:
- Significant performance improvements when downloading documents from SharePoint to a file share
- Slight performance improvements when uploading documents to SharePoint
- OpenText LiveLink Connector: no changes in this release
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 77) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector: Enhanced the features “Bulk update Metadata” and “Bulk update Content Types” with a new option “Create new Version – yes/no”. If this option is not selected, the tool updates metadata of documents without creating new document versions. In this case the last modified date of files remains unchanged.
- The Filter feature has been enhanced in the way that it is possible now to filter files during migration, if the file extension is in the list of multiple values.
Example: do not transfer files if the file extension is in the list (ext1, ext2, ext3, ext4) - OpenText LiveLink Connector: no changes in this release
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 74) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector: Replaced the function “Delete SharePoint Folder” by the function “Move Folder to the Recycle Bin”
- OpenText LiveLink Connector: no changes in this release
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 72) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector: New Feature “Export List of Checked Out files” to an Excel Spreadsheet. This functionality is available on Site (incl. Sub-sites), Document Library and Subfolder Levels. The Report contains the following data: Title, Filename, URL, Created Date, Last Modified Date, Created By, Changed By, Checked Out By, File Type, Version Label, File Size.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle for SharePoint (v.1.4.0 Build 71) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector: the tool supports now migrating files up to 10 GB in size to SharePoint Online / Office 365
- OpenText LiveLink Connector: automatic truncation of long folder and file names when the directory name comes near to 248 characters, or the fully qualified file name comes near to 260 characters. This behavior is disabled by default and can be enabled in the Settings Wizard.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle for SharePoint (v.1.4.0 Build 69) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Significant performance improvements for the following features: bulk check-in files, bulk update document properties, bulk edit content types and export content list to spreadsheet
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 67) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Fixed an issue in Content Report which appears in the previous version when running report for a site with very deep folder structure.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 64) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New Feature: Export File List from a SharePoint Site (including Subsites) or Document Library to an Excel Sheet. This functionality is available on Site and Document Library Levels. The Report contains the following data: Title, Filename, URL, Created Date, Last Modified Date, Created By, Changed By, File Type, Version Label, File Size.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 62) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- LiveLink Connector: Three new Object Types have been added to the list of supported Types: Email Folder (subtype 751), Email Container (subtype 557) and Email-Type (subtype 749)
- SharePoint Connector: no changes
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 61) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Enhancement for SharePoint Connector: Now it is possible to define if files should be checked in as minor or major version, when perform a bulk operation (bulk check-in, update document properties or edit content types)
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 60) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New Feature for SharePoint Connector: Bulk edit Content Types. This functionality is available on Document Library, Folder or Document Level.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 59) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Feature “Bulk Update” document metadata in SharePoint supports fields of type DateTime.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 58) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New Feature for SharePoint Migration: Automatic creation of SharePoint Document Libraries during transferring folder structures from File System to a SharePoint Site.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 56) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New Feature for SharePoint Connector: Configurable behavior during merging file shares with existing folder structure in SharePoint Document Library.
You can define what should happen, if a file with the same name already exists in the target location. Following options are available in the Settings Wizard: “Never overwrite an existing target file”, “Always overwrite target file”, “Overwrite only if the source file is newer”
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 55) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector: Managing the site collection Recycle Bin. DMS-Shuttle displays the Recycle Bin as a Tree Structure and processes the recovery or removing actions by looping through the tree. The user can decide if the whole tree structure or just a sub-tree should be recovered / removed.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 54) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- SharePoint Connector: Resolved issue with getting last modified date of subfolders found in certain environments.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 52) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Fixed issue with subordinated sites. In the previous version in some cases subsites were not listed.
- SharePoint 2010: fixed issue with displaying the file size.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 50) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New Feature (in OT LiveLink mode): Add original document author and owner user names as custom properties in PDF files. In case of MS Word and Excel files this information will be saved in the “authors” field (during download from OpenText LiveLink to the file System). This Feature can be enabled in the “Settings” wizard.
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 49) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Fixed issue with setting original modified and created dates in SharePoint. This Feature wasn’t working properly in some document libraries (depending on the document library setting “Require documents to be checked out”).
The minor release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 48) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Fixed three minor issues that we had in the Settings Wizard and sorting document lists.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 47) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- DMS-Shuttle is able now to keep the original modified date of files (during migration from LiveLink Repository to file system).
- Fixed the issue with pop up messages that requires user interaction and blocks the migration job. All error and warning messages will be reported to the session log view and stored in the log file.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 45) is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Some minor issues in downloading multiple files from SharePoint Document Library
- New Settings Wizard which provides a simple interface for user to change and store their settings without editing configuration files
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 41) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / SP Online and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- DMS-Shuttle is able now to keep the original modified and created dates of files (during migration from file system to SharePoint Document Library).
This feature is disabled by default and can be activated in the configuration file (please see description in the file DMS-Shuttle.exe.config).
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 39) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / SP Online and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Support of Managed Metadata (Taxonomy) fields in Bulk Edit feature
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 36) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / SP Online and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Support of ‘SharePoint User’ fields in Bulk Edit feature
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 34) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / SP Online and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New feature “Enforce SharePoint Naming Convention”. It fixes “bad names” in folders and files. User can apply this feature on a selected Site, Document Library or folder(s).
- Setting default values for mandatory fields during operation “Bulk Check-in”.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 30) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / SP Online and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- New Bulk Update Metadata Wizard for SharePoint.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 29) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / SP Online and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Support connections to SharePoint Online
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 26) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Fixed the issue with subordinated projects in LiveLink. Now it is possible to navigate through nested projects (subproject).
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 22) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Changing log level of DMS-Shuttle at runtime from the GUI
- Opening log file from the GUI
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 20) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Improved performance during upload of multiple files to SharePoint
- Fixed an issue with uploading of large files to SharePoint
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 19) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- A minor issue: product license checking does not work properly in certain environments.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 18) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- A minor issue by test connection to SharePoint 2010 / 2013 is fixed.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 17) for MS SharePoint 2010 / 2013 and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- The issue with uploading of large files to SharePoint 2010 / 2013 is fixed.
- The progress bar for bulk operations (check-in / setting metadata) is cancelable now.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.4.0 Build 15) for MS SharePoint 2010 and Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Support Microsoft SharePoint 2010 (manage document versions, mass upload, bulk operations: set metadata, check-in)
- Included “Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable ” as prerequisite to the Setup (only needed for connecting to a LiveLink server)
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.3.0 Build 28) for Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- Connection to a Livelink server via HTTP tunneling
- Generation of log and trace files (info, warning and error messages)
- Automatic deletion of temporary files
- Configurable file names for downloading of document versions
- A minor issue during the download of Livelink folders with slashes and backslashes in the name
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.3.0 Build 27) for Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- A minor performance issue fixed.
- A major issue has been fixed in the document version list.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.3.0 Build 24) for Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses some minor issues in the filter wizard.
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.3.0 Build 22) for Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
This release addresses the following:
- DMS-Shuttle supports renditions (create, download, delete).
The release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.3.0 Build 20) for Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
The first release of DMS-Shuttle (v.1.3.0 Build 19) for Open Text LiveLink is now available for download.
We are still working on DMS-Shuttle for SharePoint and hope to provide you a stable version soon.